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Evaluation - Storytelling

During the project "Storytelling" I learned the techniques of wood carving and printmaking and how to digitalize those prints.
Before I started designing I looked at some artists to get a quick understanding what printmaking actually means. Regarding to that I could think of pictures which I could carve into wood blogs and that would express the books theme.
Looking at my first prints I like the style of the tensing hands because they convey strength as well as tension and therefore they convey the detailed and well described characters that are a part of the book. This image combined with blood drops also broaches the issue of brutality. The other print that I developed shows a hand holding a head and a police tape covered with blood. This image relates to the strength and courage of the police man who wants to find the murder of a shot man as well as the power of gangs in American Ghettos who are killing innocent people. I think I used the technique of printmaking well to strengthen those impressions.

By researching about the origins of printmaking I got inspired by different artists and learned about different styles. Furthermore I got to know that techniques from the past could be contemporary useful.
Experimenting with different colours while printing exemplified me even stronger that colour is a main aspect to express feelings. I printed on different coloured and sized papers to find out which one would communicate my theme in the best way.

After printmaking images I scanned my prints and used Photoshop to digitalize my outcomes by looking at the resolution and colour mood which needed to be CMYK-Modus for my book cover prints.

The Peer Feedback helped me to focus on and experiment more with layout and typography to communicate my theme through the best way.

In addition I learned how to create a Designboard and what to include, namely the most influential research, target audience and the outcome. All of those aspects need to relay to each other that the client would be impressed and would buy or produce my outcome.
From the critic I learned that I would have to focus on my target audience which is ebook readers and include images which they like to look at as well as their interests. Because of that I also got critic on my book cover jackets because those were just designs for paper back books instead of covers for ebooks. Therefore I designed further covers made for ebooks. For those covers I used the RGB-Modus and 1600 x 2560 pixel.

To look at the whole design process I am very happy with my work because in the beginning I designed various images from which I could choose the best one to refine. I also got influenced by a wide range of primary and secondary research which focused on my book themes.
Furthermore I looked at the style of printmaking to create my own images for two of my book covers. The other book is illustrated which was a main task in this brief.

My book covers also harmonize with each other by including the same colours, image style and typography but are at the same time unique.


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