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Photo analyse

 My photo which shows a part of the Grand Canyon (Arizona) was taken in 2016 and is a horizontal landscape shot.

In the beginning the reasons for choosing this particular photograph were the environment and the amazing view in it.
After analysing it I came to the conclusion that it has some hidden details in it which are appealingly to me and were probably also the reasons why I choose this image in the beginning without even knowing.

There is a main rocket on the left side in the photo that catches the watchers attention and benefits from the rule of third. One point of interest is directly placed on the upper edge of this rocket. The bright light draws also attention to it so the rocket seems to be bigger and the centre of that image.
Another point of interest highlights the black spot in between the trees and stresses the question: If there is more to explore?

Referring to the light the sky is shown in a light blue. It seems that the sky gets lighter in distance on the left side of the photo. That causes blurred mountains which are just recognizable because of their outlines.
The photo profits from shadows and lights as looking at the rockets. The texture is rough and only recognizeable because of the shadow and light effects which also causes a depths of field in the photography.
Because the human being always tries to put everything in shape and order the unorganized texture of the nature draws attention to the image.

Going to the bottom of the photo a forest can be seen. The trees are immersed in black space so only the top is shown. That gives the impression that there is more outside the picture and the photography breaks the frame. Resulting from that and the fact that the nature is not symmetric there is a asymmetry in that photo.

The photograph also includes the golden ratio by Leonardo da Vinci. The fact that our whole life bases on that composition line draws a harmony between photo and observer. The line goes from the left bottom through the central rock across the sky to the right wall of rocks down to the black space between the trees. Resulting from that the photograph gets more interesting because there is not everything shown in that detail like I said before but at the same time it is self-contained.

I choose the photograph for those reasons that are not obvious at first but caused my attraction to it secretly.
Furthermore after analysing my image I come to the conclusion that I am proud of taking it and also that this is a very beautiful photograph.
I learned a lot about photography and especially what to think of when taking one photograph. It is not just looking around and capturing a moment randomly but it is more about the structure that one shot turns out well.


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