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The Tate Modern exhibition

Looking at those totally different artworks I got inspired again. Even I have been to the Tate Modern before I enjoyed discovering new details which I have not recognized before.
Each artist has its own history and point of view which he/she expresses in his/her art.
What I also appreciated is that art can be used to convey feelings or protest against something. It does not always have to look beautiful. Almost every artist wants to draw attention to a topic which causes people suffering.
Furthermore I loved about this exhibition that the Tate Modern has so many various artworks like paintings, sculptures and photos.

For example the painting ´Weeping Woman 1937´ by Pablo Picasso is based on the bombing of Guernica by the German force during the Civil War. Picasso wants to convey sadness and suffering to the audience by painting an abstract woman holding her dead child. At first it looks confusing but after looking at it for a longer time it conveys the pain and suffer of the mother.

A totally different kind of artwork by Kaveh Golestan explores the plight of people living on the margins of society. He photographed prostitutes in the 1970s in Tehran. While taking those photos Golestan experienced the ´social, financial, hygienic, behavioural and psychological that exist in everyday society´.
In these photographs Golestan tries to show another part of society. To wit the people that are living under bad conditions.

In my opinion is it important to have a look around and explore other parts of society by dint of art and not just by watching the media. That is because the media tries to manipulate the watcher to reach their goals.
For example politicians who try to get as much votes as possible and therefore they might just show one point of view.
A lot of times are artists looking for black space which is not discovered yet. They are looking for the negative things that for instance political actions causes and show a wide range of different feelings and experiences.
Therefore I think it is important to look at both, the media and art, to build an own opinion because nowadays are the media and art as well as a lot of other things connected with each other.


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