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Evaluation - Art Fund - Live Project

Starting the process I researched various graphic campaigns to get an idea of what I could design. The library helped me to find great advertisements and different designs. Regarding to that I realised that research should always be the first step before starting to design my own graphics because even though I did not know what to create I got inspired by other designer and were able to pitch my strongest ideas.

The pitch helped me to decide what idea I want to focus on and how I could develop it. My peer members shared their thoughts and gave suggestions which helped me to get a better understanding of my outcome. I also learned that it is important to be confident in what I represent so I am able to convince my audience (in this case collectives) from my idea.
Because we always practice sharing our designs and ideas in front of others I am now confident talking about my designs. It is easier for me to take critics and transfer them into my work than in the beginning of this Foundation Course.

However when I started looking at memes and phrases I could use I got lost in creating a meme that combines comedy and art. Referring to that I did not focus on selling the product, namely Student Art Pass, anymore which was what the task ask me to do. Furthermore my design looked like a meme but not like an actual graphic campaign.

To improve on that I looked for different phrases which talk about the Student Art Pass and sell them. I furthermore thought about a story I could create using three different memes connected to each other. The story started with a person who wasted money because he/she doesn't have the Art Pass. This would be connected to the second meme by a curvy line based on the Art Fund Style. This one shows a student being happy because he/she does not have to spend as much money on exhibitions as his/her friends. The last meme, also connected with this line, represents the Student Art Pass.
Because I used the colours of the Student Art Pass, phrases selling it as well as the company's design the memes look more like a campaign than just random pictures and relate to the product.

Looking at students as my target audience I am convinced that I developed a campaign which is based on their interests and raises attention. Designing memes which can be shared on social media is a good way to reach a wide range of students because they are most of their time online. Combining comedy with art is also something new which attracts attention.

Overall, I am happy with my outcome. During my process I had some difficulties with transferring the idea of a meme into an original graphic design instead of some random memes. However, I think that I managed it well and came up with a good campaign.


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