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FMP Proposal

The Final Mayor project is an eight weeks long project on a topic which I have to decide.
To begin the project I need to write a proposal explaining the concept and aim of the project i am planing on doing. It can be anything such as advertising or graphic campaigns.
Starting with a huge brain storming that shows themes I am interested in and ideas. I Split the mind map in four different topics, diabetes, social problems during different centuries, the danger of nightlife and globalisation.
To think of more details and write down more ideas about each topic I also did mind maps on each single theme. While doing those I payed attention to think of questions that interests me and on which I could focus doing the project.

My peer members helped me to sort out ideas which were not that important, focus and improve those which I could develop in my further process.
Starting with initial ideas I formed proper questions out of them for which I could collect research. Not only on the two themes “how does graphic design informs society and how could this be improved?” and “how can graphic design inform society about the dangers of nightlife?” but also on what I could design to show inform people.

I looked for secondary research like books, magazines, videos, websites and articles that bases on my topics.
The reason for me choosing two completely different theme is that I can find out if I am actually able to find any research and if I get ideas about designs during the process. In case that i would not be able to do so I would not have to think about another completely different idea and start all over again but could continue with the theme I like the most.
Both of my topics interests me a lot. Because I did research on completely different themes I had some variation which I enjoyed.

After I got an overall idea and gathered some knowledge about my themes I went to several exhibitions and galleries such as the Wellcome Collection and photographers gallery to look for inspirations.
I liked the idea of designing something interactive which would attract young adults. Furthermore I enjoyed looking at the usage of space, typography and modern magazines.
As I spent some time with the theme I discovered details I did not now about before and enjoyed learning more facts.
Because my target audience are 16 until 25 years old people i also thought about creating an online website. That gave me the idea of actually designing a published magazine and an online version of it.
To be able to evaluate my exhibition trips I took photographs and sketched. Furthermore I organised an interview with a diabetics and looked at some online.
That showed me how important it is to look at different opinions to draw my own. Additionally, videos express a lot more feelings than written articles which is also important to know so I would be able to respond to them. 


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