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The Big Draw

What is "The Big Draw"?

The Big Draw is an arts education charity that altercate with the language of drawing. It is used as a method for learning, inventing and expressing various creative thoughts of students.
During the week students have to take a part of different task and competitions to experiment with materials. Due to that they learn how to create a beautiful artwork using various uncommon material and how to manage their time better.
In the end of the week The Big Draw Festival takes place which is the world’s biggest celebration of drawing. The students who produces the best projects will win prizes in different categories.

The Big Draw Week started with eight creative briefs with a 15 minutes duration.
To get the tasks done in such a short time it was important to start experimenting right away instead of thinking.
The different assignments showed me that it is better to experiment with different drawing methods than just to stick to the known ones. In addition I had fund designing various objects and paintings which challenged me.
On the one side it was hard to come up with quick ideas and create them in only 15 minutes.
On the other side it was fun to experiment with the material and also to get something done instead of  overthinking.

Looking at the first brief calling FACE TO FACE it ask us to draw a comic about two communities that come together and agree on a better solution for the future. While doing that we had to attach our pen to a vibrating object.
At first I had to problems to come up with a topic for my comic but then I decided to talk about the stop of animal killings.

The second brief FAKE NEWS broaches the issue of consequences resulting from fake news which we had to express by producing a sculpture.
My idea was to show a hanged girl which is a result of people saying that provocative dressed girls are always prostitutes.

Next, we had to BE RESISTANT by thinking of a question for the answer "be resistant“. The task told us to attach a pen to our nose and start drawing.
The question which I chose is: "Do you want change?"
It showed me that sometimes it is better to try new things because it can end up in beautiful and unique artworks.

The forth brief SPEAKERS CORNER was about writing a speech and giving it to somebody else to read it out loud in the way we want him/ her to.
My speech talks about the stereotype of "dumb blonds". I wanted that my partner reads it like a serious speech.

I love to travel the world and see different places. I also think that everybody is responsible for their own lives and how he or she wants to live it. Nothing is impossible because there is always a way how to succeed. 
Therefore I wrote with the end of a one meter stick the words TRAVEL and LIFE IS YOUR DESIGN. I also used different coloured paper to demonstrate the earth and stars.

Sometimes expressions are telling more than words. For artists are the hands the most important tool. The next brief DISSENT & RESISTANCE ask us to draw both of our hands using the left and the right hand. The pen should be attached to the middle finger. 
I choose to draw fists that stands for strength which is needed to be resistant. 

WALL OF CONFIDENCE is about writing a word that we connect with confidence using squares and triangles.
If you are ambitious you are also confident to succeed. This is the reason why I chose AMBITIOUS and produced it in the colour red. Red stands for dominance and the font represents the mettle.

The eighth brief LIVING LINES told us to produce a video of moving lines. My group thought of moving bodies which would represent the lines. Two bodies come together and merge. Afterwards they divide again.

Our last challenge was to create a paper that expresses our thought about this day. I think that the day was full of experimenting, drawing, communicating and rushing because of the short time durations. Therefore I drew some images and also used words.

In conclusion I enjoyed the day because it was totally different from my former experiences. It was nice having the chance to try out new things.
Furthermore I was impressed of some of my work because I would have never thought that I can manage those projects in only 15 minutes using weird methods and coming up with an amazing outcome in the end.


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