Animation is based on imagination that means there are not any creative limits. The world we live in is about science and explanations so animation is a way out of the normal “boring” world. You can create whatever you want with fictive things that do not exist. It ether can be a world of darkness or of happiness or of anything you can imagine. An animated world does not know any rules. We started to think about an imagination world by brainstorming where we want to go. Our animated world – story Our world starts in a black bin. We walked to it and dived down. Everywhere was black but than something incredible happened. We came up in an ocean full of corals. Though it was not an ocean it ended up to be a picture in a book. The light increased so it got brighter until everything was white. As we could see something again, we realised we were next to a huge green plant. As we got further away we recognized the plant was normal sized and a girl was looking at it. We were...